IBM company created a new service called Direct Link that allows customers to connect their data privately to Softlayer’s reconstruction.
Digital Reality and ComputeNext have collaborated to create the Global Cloud Marketplace, a convenient one-stop shop of cloud services.
IBM has implemented new data centers specifically targeted to government clients.
By the year 2015, mobile technology will be capable of collecting and analyzing data of users.
The cloud infrastructure market has some heavy hitters with the likes of Microsoft, HP and IBM.
Investing in security and performance is driving up the cost of goods sold (COGS) for SaaS (Software as a Service) companies.
The public cloud market is expected to reach $191 billion in revenues by 2020.
Traditionally, corporations needed to make clear-cut decisions between in-house only infrastructure or some type of outsourced model.
Businesses around the world vigorously chase the notion of creating flawless products and services for their clients
Cloud migration is a growing trend with many companies.
Nested virtualization has drawn together people who need to learn more about the unique features of the different types of tests they may want to run.
Virtual networks promote efficiency & streamline IT tasks but most businesses still need solutions for integrating and communicating data between the Cloud