Containers & Cloud – The Basics [Infographic]

Container technology has taken the cloud computing market by force, as Cloud Service Providers and enterprise businesses continue to embrace Docker, CoreOS and others that enter the mix. Why is everyone going container crazy? Perhaps all the hype is for good reason.

Containers are shaping up as breakthrough technology that some believe could rival the impact that virtual machines (VMs) have had in corporate data centers. The technology allows applications to be bundled in a lightweight container that can be run atop bare metal servers, VMs, or across a variety of hosted platforms. Their portability, combined with ease of spinning them up could be important for application developers and operators.

The success of this technology can be attributed to the following IT trends:

  • The rise of cloud. IT is looking to make cloud applications portable and scalable at the same time.
  • The rise of DevOps. Containerization meshes well with both DevOps processes and tools. Thus, those who are moving to DevOps are typically moving to containers as well.
  • The rise of the strategic use of data. Some of the applications that run on containers are data-oriented.

Can container technology help your business? It’s essential to understand how the technology works before going down that road. We put together an easy-to-read infographic for you to quickly see what this new technology is all about. It will be fascinating to see how this exciting technology space continues to develop over the next few years.




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