Future IT Planning: Data Center Trends


Over the last few years big data, mobility, virtualization, and cloud computing have radically transformed enterprise IT. If you have started to think about your future IT planning, below are a few key data center trends to take note of for the coming year:

  • Non-stop Demand – the key here is to figure how to get the most out of the resources you already have, quality, not quantity. Be smart about where and how you add any additional resources.
  • Internet of Things (IoT) – IT Managers need to deploy “forward-looking” capacity management in all aspects of their infrastructure. Use outside resources if needed to determine the most effective and efficient approach for each application.
  • Software-defined Infrastructure – the three most important steps to this approach are mandating an open approach to virtualization, creating policies to optimize the infrastructure, and enabling the elastic scale of data.
  • Integrated Systems Evolution/Converged Infrastructure – this concept at its core is about eliminating the “busywork” of provisioning servers, SAN, LAN, and applications, and replaces it with plug-and-play options. Be aware of vendor lock-in.

All of the above concepts along with a few others were outlined in a recent TechTarget article concerning data center trends discussed during Gartner’s IT Operations Strategies and Solutions Summit. We also created this resource for everything Colocation Pricing, check it out!

Taking into consideration the expanding volume of data for companies to process and store along with an ever-increasing demand for constant infrastructure resources, IT executives must be careful with capacity planning to ensure they are keeping up with their technology-absorbed end users.

For more information about fully understanding your infrastructure needs now and into the future, here is an e-Book we put together to assist with sourcing complex IT services.  

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