Alert Logic Cloud Security Report

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Cloud security is a primary topic of concern for IT managers interested in utilizing cloud hosting for their IT infrastructure. Fear of moving to a cloud hosting model can be attributed to the unfamiliar security threats of the cloud versus an on-premise environment. A better understanding of the type of security issues the cloud has and if they are more severe than an on-premise attack is an important subject to explore.

Datapipe recently summarized a study by their partner, Alert Logic, on cloud security. In this study, Alert Logic analyzed customers’ intrusion detection data by looking at what kind of threats customers are experiencing in the cloud and how these threats differ from other environments.

Here are three conclusions on cloud security generated from the 2012 Alert Logic Cloud Security Report:

  • While threats in the cloud are different than on-premise, this doesn’t mean that the cloud is inherently more insecure. In fact, most types of security attacks are more frequent on-premise.

  • The majority of web application attacks are being done by automated tools. This means that now it takes less effort and sophistication for attackers to go after your data.

  • Types of attacks differ depending on geological location.




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