Why Virtual Private Cloud?

why virtual private cloud

More CIOs than ever before rank cloud computing as a top priority.

Virtual Private Cloud offers improved IT and business agility – deployment cycles reduced from weeks to days while maintaining visibility, compliance and security.

Things to consider – Top 5 Virtual Private Cloud Questions:

Software compatibility – Do you need single pane of glass management? What systems are you using internally?
Connection – What kind of connection and performance do you need? How many users will you have?
Workloads – What kind of workloads do you want to run in a virtual private cloud? Do those workloads need monitoring, high SLAs, etc.?
Identity management – Will you extend Active Directory, integrate SAML authentication or just use local accounts?
Security – What kind of security and compliance do you require? Will you be auditing data centers and employees? Is your data transit secure?

Would you like some clarity around cloud considerations? We recommend the following webinar from one of our provider partners, Tier 3.
Is this right for your business? Find out here – [Webinar] Enhancing IT Agility with Virtual Private Cloud


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