Just like in real estate, data center design can be all about location.
Failing to abide by HIPAA guidelines could result not only in financial sanctions by the government but also in loss of customer business and confidence.
Not only is DaaS more than just desktop delivery, it also does not even have to be a full desktop environment.
Data center performance is based on three fundamental infrastructure features.
With the ever increasing advancements of technology, telcos are trying to gain more reputability within their industry.
Data Centers will need to upgrade in order to keep up with Big Data.
Data storage environments are getting more difficult for people to manage.
With the need to keep up with the bleeding edge of technology comes increased demands on the datacenter.
The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) contains a range of challenging provisions to ensure that a company is HIPAA compliant.
Managing a data center’s growth used to be relatively simple: as demands on the data center increased, the company directed more resources at the problems.
Cloud computing has ushered in a dizzying spectrum of changes for most businesses and data centers.
Cloud data storage is quickly becoming the standard method of putting information out on the web.