Jason Stefanski

Jason Stefanski

“StrataCore saved us countless hours. Their knowledge of the market and negotiation tactics resulted in saving us a…

Clifford Cancelosi

Clifford Cancelosi

“StrataCore focuses on completely understanding customer needs/timeframes/etc.They ensure that it’s accurately represented to the provider community.”

Carey Fujii

“What I enjoy most about StrataCore is their full end-to-end service. We met, gave StrataCore our requirements, and…

Dan Wilson

Dan Wilson

“The StrataCore team is exceptionally talented, knows the industry, and always delivers on promises.”

Nick Halden

Nick Halden

“The StrataCore team was very valuable in terms of saving us time and money. Throughout the entire process…

Jai Dalal

Jai Dalal

“The value that StrataCore adds to an IT department is huge. This is especially the case when you…

Brian Hanson

Brian Hanson

“The StrataCore team has helped immensely over the years. I don’t have to augment my team with experts…

Brian Capps

Brian Capps

“StrataCore hires good people, the team has been super solid and enjoyable to work with.”

Wayson Vannatta

“When it comes to getting IT services, colo or a security vendor, the first partner I call is…

Steve Talt

Steve Talt

“StrataCore’s team worked on our behalf to source the best solution for our needs. They helped to save…

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