Savvy IT Teams Are Preparing For 5G Now

In today’s business environment new technologies are constantly being introduced that can revolutionize an entire industry overnight. Many organizations are realizing 5G may be the next big thing that will reshape how they operate.

A mainstream embrace of 5G isn’t expected until around 2020, the same time it’s predicted to be available on mobile devices, however that isn’t stopping service providers from getting on the bandwagon now. Verizon and AT&T are already laying the foundation by developing fixed wireless networks based on the earliest available 5G tech.

As Verizon and AT&T are rolling out pilot cities across the US, the reality of portable, usage based, inexpensive network circuits capable of multiple Gbps is allowing IT teams to create new processes and designs not possible with fiber that traditionally requires months to install.

Since IT teams are typically told of a new satellite office far later then they can get a traditional circuit installed without paying for “expedited” service, the idea of turning up an acceptable amount of bandwidth in days, potentially hours, is a dream come true. This also allows for a truly effective procurement process should there still be a need for a traditional fiber solution.

A recent report by Sierra Wireless shows how massive the investment in 5G will be in the next decade alone, where it could reach a dizzying $247 billion by the mid 2020’s. 5G will quickly become the foundation of a data-driven market as trends like smart cities or IoT-based businesses continue to grow.

Networks are quickly becoming on-demand solutions requiring IT teams to change they way they think about what has historically been a relatively static solution to support. The days of waiting for the service provider’s technician to arrive sometime in the next 60-90 business days are soon to be over, which is a much welcome game changer as end users expect unlimited bandwidth, instantly, everywhere they go.

Do you need a comprehensive and strategic plan that addresses upgrades, technology transitions, capacity planning, and/or more efficient IT processes? We can help with network consulting services and intelligence on the constantly changing provider and technology landscape.

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