OpenStack Skills: When Supply Doesn’t Meet Demand

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In order to keep up with what enterprises are demanding, IT professionals need to be as cloud-savvy as possible. The cloud has allowed IT departments to find unprecedented flexibility that leads itself to faster innovation and novel competition strategies.

There’s always a need for IT skills, but with the soaring popularity of cloud computing, one study estimates that the platform alone will generate almost 14 million jobs by 2015. In another survey, 40 percent of respondents were looking for developers and engineers with cloud experience, but are struggling to find them.

Simply put, there are just not enough cloud experts.

While OpenStack isn’t a mainstream platform currently, IT professionals should not pass it over. A major part of why OpenStack isn’t as common is because there isn’t a workforce that can use it. People want to hire engineers and developers with OpenStack skills, but they’re simply not on the market.

By picking up OpenStack skills, IT professionals can not only make themselves more valuable, but they also can secure their jobs in the long term. Cloud computing is very different than traditional IT, and, as enterprise shifts to the cloud, there will be less demand for traditional IT services.

Supporting open-source platforms isn’t just good for the community anymore. OpenStack is taking off quickly– faster than many other open source projects– and it has real enterprise potential. Join other developers in helping it evolve, all the while making yourself more valuable.

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