Identifying & Overcoming Resistance to the Cloud

Copyright (c) 123RF Stock PhotosEven though companies are aware of the benefits that come with moving their infrastructure to the cloud, many are still wary of doing so. In fact, there are some companies that refuse to use the cloud due to misconceptions about cloud services; these mostly revolve around the safety concerns associated with putting valuable data onto an online server. What they fail to realize is that because of safety precautions that have been implemented, most of these concerns are unfounded.

When technology like the cloud is fairly new, there are those who dive straight into it and there are those who are hesitant to use it. This is especially true when that technology is the game changer that cloud services are.

The following are three common scenarios about cloud computing that companies might confront:

  1. Ignoring it. Many companies don’t necessarily allow their employees to use the cloud, but they might turn a blind eye when employees use cloud services on their own. Employees are often looking for better ways to share and collaborate with their colleagues when it comes to files and documents. Email just doesn’t cut it anymore. If their company doesn’t have a dedicated cloud service, then they will often use cloud services offered by Dropbox, Apple, Google, and more. Basically, companies will allow the use of these services since the services help make their employees jobs easier – as long as management doesn’t know about it. This kind of attitude reflects that the company is on the fence about using a cloud server but isn’t ready to commit.
  2. Overreacting. Some organizations that refuse to upgrade their infrastructure to a cloud service are adamant that their employees do not use cloud services as well. In fact, they’ll even explicitly forbid it in company policy and often block access to cloud services altogether. This forces employees to use less productive methods of sharing files and documents with their colleagues such as emailing files or implementing sneakernets. Some employees will even bring their own mobile hotspots so that they can get around corporate firewalls. Companies that do this are convinced that the use of cloud servers are insecure. However, what they do not know is that use of the cloud is actually more secure than other methods of sharing documents and files. These methods include personal email, thumb drives, or sneakernet.
  3. Solving the issue. Companies shouldn’t just forbid new technology just because they are unsure of it. They need to figure out a compromise. Companies aren’t obligated to adopt to the cloud system just because employees want to use it. However, this does not mean that employees shouldn’t be able to use personal cloud systems such as Dropbox. If it makes them more productive at their job, why wouldn’t it be allowed? Obviously, companies should be able to control use as well as access, but they should incorporate policies that explain the why’s and how’s of their cloud computing policies instead of denying use of it. By figuring out how they can allow employees to use cloud services in a safe and manageable way without completely overhauling the company’s entire infrastructure, the company is solving the issue instead of ignoring or putting their foot down on it.

Obviously, finding a middle ground is the most beneficial way to help make employees more productive without having to use cloud servers on a company-wide basis. 

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