Compute Power For a Cause

We’ve worked with many companies over the past few years that have made the business decision to move into or out of the cloud. As our client’s businesses grow and change, we’re happy to help them make sense of the ever-evolving marketplace to source IT solutions that enable them to meet their goals.

One thing we have learned along the way is the importance of a thorough transition plan and access to the appropriate resources (whether internal or third party) to make sure things don’t go sideways mid-project.

One of our clients, WhitePages, recently benefited from a well-thought-out plan when migrating from their Seattle-based data center to the public cloud. They were able to complete a massive data migration three months ahead of schedule and decided to put their idle compute power to good use. As they freed up servers in their data center, they donated the idle servers to help save lives with a great project called folding@home.

To read more about Whitepages story, here is a link to their blog post written by a senior software engineer.

About folding@home: it is a distributed computing project for disease research that simulates protein folding, computational drug design, and other types of molecular dynamics. The project uses idle resources of personal computers owned by volunteers from all over the world. Thousands of people have contributed to the success of the project.

If you are planning a data center move and think you may have some overlap of resources, here is their website for more information – folding@home

For more information on the decision making factors for moving in or out of the cloud, watch the recorded panel discussion from our “Cloud Smackdown 2.0”. Here’s the video.

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